Domestic Violence & Anger Management


DIW’s Domestic Violence & Anger Management programming provides services for victims of domestic violence and support groups for anger management.

  • Domestic Abuse Service Center (DASC) Advocate

    DIW and the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office have been partners and have had a contract for 20+ years. The contract states we will have a Native American advocate to provide domestic violence services to the Native American Community.

    The DIW advocate provides culturally specific domestic violence services to the community, provides assistance with filing Orders for Protection, and provides support in court proceedings.

    In 2017, the DIW Native American advocate provided 192 services to Native American victims of domestic violence.

    Funded by: Hennepin County Attorney General’s Office

  • Domestic Violence & Anger Management Groups

    Educates Native American men and women about their relationship to domestic violence and abuse, using a cultural lens perspective to learn about the complex dynamic of domestic violence starting with historical significance through current societal influence and oppressive existence.

    Groups include:
    -Victims of Domestic Violence Group
    -Women’s Anger Management Group
    -Men’s Anger Management & Domestic Violence Group

    For additional questions please see the contact information below for counselor/educators:

    Lailah Cloud
    Phone: 612-279-6329

    Funded by: Hennepin County & Office of Justice Program